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Autor: BarbaraMachalska Dodano: 2021-11-07, 01:00 Dodano jako: Informacja handlowa

Propagating plants with simple water, clean the office air

The English name Pothos, scientific name Epipremnum aureum, belongs to the Araceae family, is a species of flowering plant. This ornamental plant is called betel nut because it resembles a betel nut tree.

In terms of botanical characteristics, this is a herbaceous plant, vines, leaves and stems are green and flowers grow in short clusters, so there are places called betel nut ropes. The prominent feature is conspicuously simple, the base of the leaves is heart-shaped and gradually elongates upwards.

Betel leaves often have yellow spots dotted on the leaf blade. The stems are soft and long and can hang loose, so it can be grown in the style of a vine. In addition, this is hydrophilic, absorbs a lot of water without fear of waterlogging, root rot, so it can also be grown in a pot of water.

Betel nut has become an ornamental plant and appears in many places, often grown indoors where there is moderate light to beautify, fresher than apartment space, garden furniture. Tree players often leave betel nut in hanging pots placed on the table or hanging on the trellis so that the tree can drop down very beautifully. In addition to the decorative beauty value, the betel nut tree also has good benefits for human health as well as the feng shui meaning of bringing fortune.

The effects of the betel nut tree bring:

Absorb electronic radiation: Betel nut has the ability to absorb electromagnetic waves that affect human health from electronic devices around us such as wifi, computers, induction cookers, etc.

Clean and decorate the aquarium by growing roots in the water and the roots of the betel nut absorb nitrates in the water, making the water cleaner, beneficial for the healthy growth of fish.

Decorating the room, balcony helps your house become a cleaner and more pleasant space. Especially those who have eye problems, blue color will help our eyes relax, relieve stress in both work and life. Betel leaves have the ability to absorb toxins in the air to help the air. cleaner.

How to properly plant and care for betel nut trees:

Betel nut has a fairly easy care, without spending too much time and steps. Here are the details to keep in mind some factors below:

Soil: The suitable soil for betel nut is loose soil that does not hold water. Should mix more composted rice husk humus or crushed coal slag to increase soil porosity.

Light: is a hardy plant that requires very little care. Betel nut does not need strong light, grows best with light and shade.

Temperature: Minimum 14-16°C (56-60°F) Optimal temperature 22-26°C (71-78°F) At temperatures lower than 10°C turns yellow and spots White.

Water: A plant that needs regular watering from spring to fall but avoid over-watering in winter. Water 2-3 times a week, keep the soil moist.

How to grow
The most popular ways to grow betel nut are the following two ways:

How to grow betel nut in the ground
The most common way to grow betel nut is by cuttings. Cut a short piece of 5 to 10cm containing the root burning part, then let the root cut and then cut into moist soil, keep in a shady place to avoid intense sunlight. Spray water every 2 or 3 days and the best time for cuttings is summer.

How to grow aquatic betel nut
Cut a 10 to 20cm section of the plant at the stem node with roots and leaves. Wash the roots and then put them in the aquarium. Dip the roots and then put it in a cool place, the temperature is from 20-25 °C, the light shade the tree will grow lush and new branches.

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